Deadly Dreams is released today!

So at dinner last night my husband told one of our guests, “Yeah, she has a book coming out tomorrow.”  Looking up in shock, I said, “I do?  Oh wait, I do!!”  Somehow all the work I was doing to prepare for it last week got lost in line edits over the weekend.  But it’s official.  Deadly Dreams hits the shelves today.

I’m always a bit jazzed to have a new release.  This is number 30 for me and it hasn’t gotten old yet.  But this one sort of snuck up on me.  The nice thing about that is I’m not obsessing over it…I darn near forgot about it altogether!

Deadly Dreams is book five in The Mindhunters series, although it stands alone well, as do the rest of the books.  Here’s the back cover copy:

Risa Chandler’s prescient dreams of death and murder haunted her nights.  They also proved invaluable for Adam Raiker’s brilliant team of forensic criminologists, the Mindhunters, until a tragic end to one of her cases shattered Risa’s confidence and drove her into seclusion.  But for Risa, there’s no hiding from death, or from her dreams.

Though skeptical, Philadelphia homicide detective Nate McGuire elists Risa’s help in finding a serial killer who has claimed three victims.  She reluctantly agrees, because she’s been dreaming again–rituals by fire, charred horrors, tortured screams.  But Risa’s feeling something else:  the focus of a stranger who’s watching her just as closely, a madman with dreams of his own–dreams of making Risa his ultimate fiery sacrifice.

Read an excerpt here:

Somehow when I think of psychic abilities I consider the advantages of being clairvoyant and being able to guess the lottery numbers, LOL.  But dreaming of murder?  I like my sleep, thank you very much!  The psychic abilities you hear about people being blessed–or cursed with can be downright frightening.

What’s the scariest movie or book that you’ve read that features a character with some sort of psychic ability?  I’m giving away a copy of Deadly Dreams to one commenter today!

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49 Responses to Deadly Dreams is released today!

  1. Danielle Estes says:

    I would have to say the scariest movie i can think of with a physic ability would be Carrie i mean wow that movie was scary when i was a kid ive read several books with a psychic twist i just dont know which one that really scared me the most ill have to think on that one.. great contest and i cant wait to read Deadly Dreams.

  2. Desere says:

    congratz happy release day , scares movie with psychic abilities would have to be Nightmare on Elm street one check Freddie coming into your dreams !scared me for weeks ! Thanks for a great giveaway and congratz again !


  3. i watched “” the entity”” with Barbara heshely
    dont know if that counts, but that scared me to death, i know reg horror movies is suppose to but that was based on true story ,which creeped me out

    i guess otherwis the freddy kruger movies , wher he comes in the dreams

  4. Leanne Banks says:

    Congrats Kylie! Another fab book! Yay for us!;) I’m a little scaredy cat, so I don’t watch a lot of scary movies.

  5. Janet says:

    I second Sixth Sense. Great movie, but bone chilling. One of the scariest movies I’ve ever seen, though not any psychic ability in it, Silence of the Lambs.

    Looking forward to reading your newest book!

    • kylie brant says:

      Thanks, Janet 🙂 I think Sixth Sense was absolutely brilliant. I was so looking forward to the subsequent movies from that director, but found them disappointing. And Silence of the Lambs was riveting!

  6. Helen Brenna says:

    Sounds like a great book, Kylie, and major congrats on 30 –30! — books! Very cool.

    Nice that your dh remembered for you, too. That’s cool. I’d have to agree that Sixth Sense was the freakiest movie I’ve seen dealing with psychic abilities. Too bad you can never see that one again with the same impact.

    • kylie brant says:

      Thanks, Helen. Thirty isn’t so many compared to other authors I know. But it was as much as I could manage while working full-time. Shrug. Hoping new contracts will make me keep up the pace!

  7. Marcia in OK says:

    The Shining by Stephen King and the movie with Jack Nicholson.

    I was in the 8th grade when I read the book. I would read a few chapters in my room, and then I would go sit in the den and watch TV for a while with my family. I scared me, but I couldn’t stop reading.

    I saw the movie at a Midnight showing with friends. I was WAAAYYYY scarier than Halloween II which I saw the week before. I think it was the psychological, play with your head stuff that creeped me out so badley. And those creepy twins in blue dresses – ACK!

    Congratulations on the new book!

    • kylie brant says:

      Thanks, Marcia! I still remember reading the Shining. What possessed me to read it at night, I’ll never know. Of course, I couldn’t put it down! And then I was afraid to walk upstairs in the dark, LOL! The movie didn’t match the bone-chilling fear in the book, IMO. But for psychic phenomena, King’s The Firestarter is one of my favorites!

  8. cindy gerard says:

    Congrats on the new release, Kylie! I can’t wait to get it and add it to my Mindhunter collection! I’ve loved each book!!

    Scariest movie: Silence of the Lambs. Hands down. But I tend to avoid scary movies – I figure I have enough stress in my life :o)

  9. Willa says:

    Oooh – I don’t watch scary movies . . . I find it hard enough sometimes to get through a book .. . was scary in Waking Evil when they were in the woods with the red mist and the bobbing lights (((squeal!!))

    Wanted to say Woo – Hoo on your release day! Can’t wait to read it 🙂

  10. Michele says:

    Congrats on #30! That’s quite an accomplishment. Hope you take some time to realize that, and do something special just for you today.

    I agree with Cindy, Silence of the Lambs. That movie scarred me. Seriously. I can never eat sausage and sauerkraut again (which is what we had for supper the night that movie was on TV, yeeeaars ago; yes, I still remember).

    • kylie brant says:

      Michele, I didn’t even remember the meal in the movie 🙂 What’s special for today? Well I get to go to Waterloo and clean out one of my son’s rental houses prior to it being shown tomorrow. Not looking forward to it…haven’t done my own house cleaning for 25 years! But we did have dinner out last night. Guess I’ll have to be satisfied with that 🙂

  11. Karen Kolavalli says:

    Well, that would explain why the two stores I went to LAST NIGHT didn’t have Deadly Dreams. I agree with you about Sixth Sense (M. Night Shyamalam at his best!). Try to get your hands on Marlys Millhiser’s “Nella Waits” from 1974–you’ll never look at crows the same way again. Not psychic, but way scary: Anthony Hopkins and his ventriloquist’s dummy in 1978’s “Magic” and Shirley Jackson’s last novel, “We Have Always Lived in the Castle” (1962) with the unforgettable Merricat (“The people of the village have always hated us.”).

  12. kylie brant says:

    Karen, hopefully you’ll have better luck today 🙂 I agree, some of those old movies are chilling. Remember Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds? And Psycho? Scary stuff. I’ll check out some of the ones you mentioned!

  13. Minna says:

    Scariest movie… I tend to avoid those, but the Scariest one I’ve seen is Carrie.

  14. catslady says:

    Stephen King has some great ones – Carrie, The Shinning and Fire Starter to name a few. Amityville Horror and the Exorcist were scary books. And a movie called Fire in the Sky scared me the most of all. I’ve always loved anything in the horror or paranormal fields. Deadly Dreams sounds like it’s right up there !!

  15. kylie brant says:

    Minna, I read the book first and actually thought the movie was scarier!

  16. kylie brant says:

    Catslady, I think King stands out there with current scary books (I never think they translate as well to movies.) He also has an element of the psychic, often.

  17. DebraDixon says:

    Kylie– Woohoo! # 30 ? That’s awesome!

    I’d have to agree about Carrie and The Shining being pretty scary. I tend not to watch a lot of horror films or down right scary films. They’re so visual. I can read the book and be fine but the movies tend to wig me out so I don’t watch a lot of them.

  18. Muy congratulations on book # 30. That’s fantastic! As for scary movies, I’m going to go way back and say Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho. After seeing that movie, I didn’t shower for years. Not to worry. I took baths instead. To this day, I prefer soaking in the bathtub. Word of warning: try not to fall asleep while reading a library book in the bathtub. Don’t ask me how I know this.

  19. Donna S says:

    Carrie. Totally Carrie, book over the movie, but still both.

    Congrats on the release!! Loved the others, looking forward to picking it up.

  20. Jane says:

    Happy Release Day, Kylie. One of the scariest movies I’ve seen is Hellraiser, but it doesn’t have anything to do with psychic abilities.

  21. kylie brant says:

    Jane, that’s a new movie to me. I may have to check it out!

  22. Maureen says:

    Congratulations on the new book Kylie. I tend to stay away from the scarier stories but one of my favorites is Dream Man by Linda Howard.

  23. Maureen says:

    Congratulations on the new book Kylie. I tend to stay away from the scarier stories but one of my favorites is Dream Man by Linda Howard

  24. Betina says:

    Congratulations, Kylie! You’re a phenomenon!

    I have never been one for scary books– though I do like some Stephen King and Dean Koontz from time to time. Scary movies I do see sometimes– not the slasher variety. but the scariest movie I’ve seen as an adult– one that grabbed me in the viscera, made me squirm, and wouldn’t let me sleep that night is a little know movie called The Dentist, starring Corbin Berenson. The guy tortures and maims and disfigures people with DENTAL TOOLS! Aghhhhhhhh! If you can find it, I dare you to watch it!

  25. Pam Keener says:

    The scariest movie that I never saw has to be Exorcist. I was warned away from it and have never ever watched it.
    Love & Hugs,

  26. LSUReader says:

    I’ll go with The Exorcist as scariest movie with a psychic slant. (I guess demon possession qualifies, right?) But for pure fear factor, I’d go with the Hitchcock classics–especially The Birds, because who expects harmless birds to turn into psycho killers?

    Congrats on your new book release! Yay!

  27. Mariska says:

    Congrats on the release Kylie !!

    the scariest movie will be ‘ORPHAN’ ! love the movie but still scary 🙂

  28. kym amaral says:

    Congrats on book 30 and here I am unsure Ill make it to book 1…lol
    I dont tend to read or watch scarey, but I hope it is ok to tell you the funniest Psychic ability book is ” Never been Witched” by Annette Blair…I wouldnt expect humor with Psychic abilities but this books was GREAT !

    Best of Luck with ‘Deadly Dreams’

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