Enter and Win!

I am my mother. I know because two weeks ago when I flew to San Diego, I boarded the plane with a pocket knife in my purse. Why you ask? Not the point. The point is, I was x-rayed, as was my purse. No one raised an eyebrow about the knife. In fact, no one mentioned it, which kind of makes me think no one noticed it since they did take offense to my belt buckle. Really?Finally Home

But let me tell you about my mother’s experience. It was two years ago. We were flying to Florida to visit my sister. Mom, who last boarded a plane sometime before the turn of the century, (Which one you ask? Not sure.) had a carry-on FULL of lotions. I kid you not. There must have been eight bottles in there. The first guy opened up the bag, looked inside, closed it up and passed it on. The second guy opened it up, glanced at the first guy and said, “Dude, there’s like a gallon of liquids in here.” To which the first gentleman merely shrugged. And that was the end of it. The bag passed on through without another peep. The pocket knife in her purse, however, was confiscated. As was the one in her pants pocket. She was pissed. What’s the world coming to when a girl can’t bring a little protection onto a plane? But as we shambled off toward our appointed gate she muttered. “Well, at least they let me keep the knife that I got in my jacket.”

Mom turned 95 last month. She still lives on the 3000 acres she’s farmed for 60 plus years. Still tends her gardens, mows her yard and keeps her chickens.

After writing thirty something romance novels she didn’t approved of but never complained about, I’ve published a trilogy called the Hope Springs series. It’s about a feisty farm girl who comes back to her roots and finds…well…I hope you’ll pick up a copy and read about what she finds. The latest of the three, Finally Home, will be released on November 26th.

Romantic Times called it heartwarming and charming. Even my mother gave it a thumbs up. 🙂 So what about you? Does your mom approve of your reading material? Or have you had to hide your novels under your pillow since the day you turned twelve?

To celebrate the release of Finally Home (which would make a nice little stocking stuffer for anyone who likes a feel good story–really) I’m giving away an Amazon gift to one faithful commenter.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


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36 Responses to Enter and Win!

  1. bellwriter says:

    I love your mother! What spunk, and she sounds like a perfect romance heroine, Lois. Congratulations on Finally Home. Wow! They took my tweezers from me….Didn’t want me to pluck my fellow passengers I guess. ~ Donnell

  2. Travel these days post 9-11 is fraught with hazards of over-zealous TSA personnel. The fact that your knife survived the gauntlet of snooping devices and invasive security is a testament to good luck!

    • loisgreiman says:

      The knife is yellow…and hangs from a chain on the zipper. Classy it is not but very utilitarian…and visible! It’s a thinker. I like the RV idea.

  3. Sharon Mitchell says:

    As one who travels by RV, I am so glad I have that option. Your mom sounds like a wonderful person. How lucky you are to still have her. I love your books, but confess that your highlanders are still my favorite.

  4. Carolina says:

    Going through TSA is no fun. Especially when forgetting lotion or sunscreen. Luckily my mom doesn’t mind what I read as long as I am reading. =) sounds like your mom is a great muse for your writing. She sounds like a dynamic woman.

  5. Teresa Hughes says:

    Your mom sounds life my grandmother. A few months before she died from breast cancer someone was going around her neighboohood still gas out of cars. Well, mawmaw’s gas never got stolen which was perplexing. We asked her why they were leaving her alone. Her answer was “probably because I have been sleeping in my car with my 38.” We all exclaimed WHAT????? She said I worked too hard all these years to let some punk steal gas that was paid for with my hard earned money!!! Lol!!

    My grandmother was one of the toughest women I have ever known.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Leanna says:

    Your mom sounds fiesty. I can’t believe she tried to get 3 knives through security.

    • loisgreiman says:

      During my last book tour she asked if I was taking a gun. When I answered in the negative, she suggested that I at least take a knife. Hmmm

  7. TrishJ says:

    After a lifetime in the military we retired at hubby’s family homestead. Not as big as your mother’s, but way more than we bargained for. It has been interesting to watch hubby try to duplicate his father’s farming instincts. We have had lots of “what were we thinking” moments, but it has been lots of fun. And the grandkids are loving it. I love coming home stories.

  8. Laney4 says:

    Before 9/11, my family made annual Christmas trips to be with family 2000+ miles away. On one trip, there was a sale at Shoppers for my husband’s favourite shaving lotion, so I picked up at least a dozen. I packed them in my carry-on luggage so they couldn’t explode if thrown about by workers – until they said they couldn’t be taken onboard like that, and I ended up putting them all in my luggage for down below instead. Or was it the other way around? The memory is elusive this morning…. Anyway, my husband had my boarding pass and was waiting at the entrance to the plane with our two small children, and I was FINALLY able to join them, running all the way to the now-delayed-by-me plane. Today they would throw out the shaving cream, so I wouldn’t have bought it in the first place….

    • Today they would probably clear the terminal, call in the bomb-squad, arrest you as the “Shaving-Cream Bomber” and at the very least charge you with a bomb hoax (and the TSA agents would get letters of commendation for doing it – as foolish as it all would be)!

  9. pearl says:

    What a delightful and lovely story. Your mother sounds unique and very special. Wish my mother was still here. Miss her everyday. Enjoy your precious time together.

    • loisgreiman says:

      I’m trying to remember that time is short and family is everything. But sometimes life gets in the way. Thanks for the reminder.

  10. Kathleen O says:

    I oh I like you mom already.. She is just how I want to be if I ever reach her age… I have not flown a lot since they put on all these restrictions and because of a certain meds I take, that have to be kept refrigerated until I use them, Flying is just not a good option sometimes.. But have a great time with your family and enjoy your Thanksgiving.

  11. Karen j says:

    oh my gosh! I love your mom! I bet shes a hoot! And this series of books sounds awesome!

  12. loisgreiman says:

    Thanks Karen. I’m pretty proud of it.

  13. Nora Braun says:

    You come from good stock, Lois — you’ll be just like your mom at 95! My mom was offended years ago when they took her little sewing scissors from her cross-stitch work, and when dad lost his pocketknife to the TSA one year coming up to MN he obsconded with one of mine! The TSA are so smart they pulled my purse back through the scanner just because my car key looked like a switch blade! But my dumb move was trying to carry Mexican tequila through for dads 80th birthday — what was I thinking 🙂
    Glad the next book is out — can’t wait to read it! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  14. martha lawson says:

    Your mom sounds like a character!! I enjoyed reading all the comments, too funny. Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. Maureen says:

    Your mom sounds like a no nonsense type of woman, which I love. My mom and I trade books back and forth. Congratulations on the new book!

  16. Quilt Lady says:

    Love your mom but now that you mention it I do carry a very small pocket knife in my purse. Not sure why but its been there for years.

  17. Chelsea B. says:

    My mom doesn’t much know what goes on behind the covers of romance novels, but she ohhs and ahhs over the half-naked men on the covers 😉

  18. C.J. Miller says:

    You mom sounds awesome. Can’t wait to read your latest book!

  19. Great story Lois. I just got on a plane Sunday and they sent me to the expedited security line. Got to keep my shoes on and my liquids in my carry on. Just x-rayed the bag and waved me on by.
    I guess I’m non-threatening looking. 😄. My mom loved to read romance too, so I always passed on my books to her and my sister. So no hiding what I was reading ever.

  20. loisgreiman says:

    Mom must have looked non-threatening, too. Just goes to show…you can’t judge a book by its cover. 🙂

  21. Tracie says:

    Sounds like your mom is quite the firecracker and has given you some memories to treasure!
    My mother doesn’t approve of anything I read. Which is probably why I love, love, love to read books with “no educational value”.

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