Debra — Seattle is cloudy with a chance of rain.

Our Operations Manager and I returned last Sunday night from a trip to Seattle to meet with Amazon.  I discovered the most surprising facts.

1)  In Seattle, “seafood” does not really mean shrimp, lobster and crab.  Seattle people are the big fishy people.  There was more fish on menus than I could shake a stick at.  Shell fish?  Trying to find that was like panning for gold.  And trust me, I panned.  I dreamstime_xs_1804000 traveled almost to Canada, finding a small restaurant in Anacortes called ADRIFT.  Their menu section online was “page not found” so my smart phone couldn’t help me, but I figured…they’re called “Adrift.”  That should be good for at least a crab leg!  As I found out, Dungeness Crab was the only thing to be had.  So, I ordered the omelet with crab.  Very tasty.  But more importantly, I found amusement in their book shelves.  They divide their restaurant with waist high shelves of old hardback books.  Everything you can imagine.  Directly behind was a shelf on which the book MANAGING YOUR NEUROSIS, was stacked atop the book OBSESSIVE COMPULSION.  (You can’t make this stuff up.  You can’t.)

2) Everyone in Seattle knows better than to look for gas in downtown Seattle.  You won’t find it.  Neither will you find a parking place in the hotel underground parking garage that has spaces for approximately 15-18 compact cars to accommodate 6 floors of rooms.  Seriously?  That’s what the website calls parking?  It was more like a cruel joke.  Many cars took up two spaces.  We did not key any of them.  Even though we wanted to get spray paint and paint new lines and label the new space, “Customized Parking For Dummies.”

3) I do not like being the first car on the ferry.  I do not care that they put little blocks in front of your tires.  The only thing between you and the deep blue?  A little net!!  Seriously?  Wdreamstime_s_270874 - ferry front e spent the ride back from Bainbridge Island staring into the Sound with me hoping we wouldn’t hit the terminal when we got there.  That is NOT a paranoid fear.  I happened to be in Seattle, IN the terminal when the Bremerton ferry hit the terminal and sent those first cars spilling everywhere and splintering huge pylons like twigs for kindling.  Yep.  I was watching out the window as the ferry came in and turning to the jaded locals at large in the room above the docking area and saying, “Is it supposed to be going that fast?”  BOOOM.  So, seriously, I had reason to be unhappy as the very first car on the ferry boat.  I didn’t even know I had an issue until I saw that there was no front on the darned ferry boat!

4) I really shouldn’t wear new boots for twelve hours straight, even if they feel divinely comfortable for the first couple of hours.

5) Leaving the hotel at 5:30 a.m. and getting home at 5:30 pm. sucks every bit as much as I thought it would.

Having said all of that, I had a great time in Seattle.  It’s a really lovely city, and ADRIFT was a great local place (1.5 hours from Seattle) that deserved to be discovered.

What was the best “authentic” restaurant you’ve discovered?  Some place oozing character and charm?

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11 Responses to Debra — Seattle is cloudy with a chance of rain.

  1. michelehauf says:

    That’s freaky, sitting at the front of the boat! Though, if you would have went in the water, maybe you might have found those elusive crab legs? 😉

    We have an amazing Mexican restaurant just two miles from our house that we go to at least twice a month. Good old fashioned down-home Mexican-style cooking, and I like a place where they know you, and as soon as you sit down, the arrive at your table with your usual drink order.

    • debradixon says:

      Yep, authentic “down the street” is the best! Not everyone is lucky enough to have that. We had a killer Cajun place but then it closed up. :/ However, with the Katrina refugees we’ve had some good Cajun again. 🙂

  2. Kathleen O says:

    Wow, I agree with you about the first car on the ferry… I have trouble just sitting on a ferry boat. I never really get my sea legs on one. Glad I don’t have to take them on a regular bases.
    I don’t think I have every discovered an authentic resturant. I do like it when I find a good Italian resturant. Where the pasta is always homemade.. You can really taste the difference.

    • debradixon says:

      Kathleen– I love ferries if I’m sitting in the big room, looking out the window and reading. In the car? Not so much!! I love good Italian. I was in a restaurant in Indianapolis once and they had the best recipe for that olive oil and pepper that you put on bread? Except theirs had this wonderful spice combination in the olive oil, including some bits of red pepper. Man, I still think about that!

  3. The first time Clyde and I went to Santa Fe I found an article in a magazine–Travel or Nat Geo or some such–complete with sites, restaurant recommendations (including where locals go for breakfast and like that), maps, the whole enchilada–written by John Ehrlichman (Nixon, Watergate fame) who had moved there after he got out of prison. Hmmm. This trip was going to be special.. Could I trust Ehrlichman now that he’d done time for his crimes? We didn’t know anyone else in Santa Fe–we’d just always wanted to go there–so we decided to take the magazine along and give him a chance. Every suggestion turned out to be a winner. We’ve made the trip several times since. Mmm, there’s a great place on the high road to Taos…

    • debradixon says:

      Oh, that’s funny about Ehrlichman!! LOL! Who knew he’d be an excellent travel guide? My FAVORITE restaurant in Santa Fe is THE SHED. The enchiladas are OMG good. Loved them. Loved them. Carol Prescott is my personal food guide. The woman can pick some seriously wonderful places to eat.

  4. loisgreiman says:

    I have no great restaurants to add as my taste is pedantic at best. But I love the way you write, Deb. Thanks for the update on Seattle. If I go there I’ll order beef.

  5. Gorgeous photo, Deb. Your work, no doubt. I remember your fab photos Out Of Africa.

  6. What a fun post! But yikes—that ferry would have had my nerves humming, too. We now use the Yelp! ap in our phones and iPads when we travel….we’ve found a lot of very interesting places to eat and unique places to stay, that way.Though if there’s just a handful of reviews, I always wonder if all of the relatives got together to provide reviews. 🙂

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